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Bread for the Soul - Stories That Nourish, Comfort, and Heal

Bread for the Soul - Stories That Nourish, Comfort, and Heal



Jim Clarke draws on his over forty years of experience in pastoral ministry to explore common questions and struggles faced by most of us in daily life: relationships, meaning, work, faith issues, prayer, money, aging, understanding God's ways, bringing faith to life and life to faith, etc. Each chapter begins with a question culled from his studies and professional training, as well as from parishioners and students. As always, Fr. Jim brings the abstract down to earth as he writes in a conversational, easily readable format, using stories, analogies, and jokes to help the reader to engage with the topics.


Author: Jim Clarke

Publisher: Paulist Press

Pages: 144

Publication Date: 2024

ISBN: 9780809156771

No. 2082200299

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