In the Footprints of Our Faith
Description :
In the Footprints of Our Faith includes 27 articles that describe important places associated with Jesus’ life: Nazareth, Ein Karem, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, the Jordan River, Cana, Capernaum, the Lake of Gennesaret, Bethany, Emmaus…To explain why Christians venerate the Sacred Places in the Holy Land, the authors rely on the Holy Bible, historical sources, and archaeological research.
In addition, spiritual considerations are included, to help the reader personally immerse themselves in the Gospel, so that the Word of God may have a lasting impact on the reader’s life. The inspiration for these reflections comes from the Fathers of the Church, the Magisterium of recent Popes, and the teachings of the Saints, especially that of St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei.
In the Footprints of Our Faith is useful reading for anyone interested in the Holy Land, especially those preparing to make a pilgrimage there and for those who wish to relieve it later, once back home.
Author : Jesus Gil, Eduardo Gil
Publisher : Claretian Publications
Pages : 269
Publication date: 2023
ISBN : 9789887668275
No. 2662300009