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When I feel down: Jonah and Other Stories

When I feel down: Jonah and Other Stories



- For ages 5-7

- This book connects children's emotions with the story of Jonah

- Children will learn that no matter how they feel, God is always there for them


A chapter book retelling the story of Jonah who felt down about his situation and tried to hide away with additional related snippets from other Bible stories.


But God cares and never gave up to show that he was there to talk and help him. A reassuring story to help older children reflect and talk to people they trust about Jonah's emotions and support for them when they feel sad, including from God. The 'God cares' series provides a Biblical approach to discussing emotions and behaviour with children to nurture an attitude of wellness.


Author: Debbie Duncan

Publisher: Lion Hudson

Pages: 61

Publication date: 2020

ISBN: 9781781283776

No. 2042430003

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