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Wisdom of Solomon

Wisdom of Solomon



The seventeen New Testament volumes in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS) series have been widely acclaimed. Now the series editors offer readable Old Testament commentaries that integrate the best of contemporary biblical scholarship with the traditional understanding of the Old Testament as prophesying and prefiguring Christ.


Wisdom of Solomon, by Mark Giszczak, is the first Old Testament volume in the CCSS. The commentary offers a robust introduction to the historical and theological background of this often-overlooked book, the RSV-2CE translation of the biblical text, cross-references, Catechism and Lectionary references, and a detailed interpretation of each passage. It also includes helpful sidebars on biblical background and important references to the living tradition of the Church. The commentary guides readers in a thorough and faithful study of the Wisdom of Solomon.


Written from a standpoint of faith in the Holy Spirit’s inspiration of Scripture, CCSS Old Testament commentaries are designed for preaching, teaching, and applying Scripture to Christian life today. Accessibly written yet substantive, they include quotations from Church documents, Church Fathers, and saints and are packed with features that make them particularly useful to those doing ministry in Catholic parishes.


Author: Mark Giszczak

Publisher: Baker Academic

Pages: 208

Publication date: 2024

ISBN: 9781540963697

No. 2998812141

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